Oct. 15 (Wednesday), Place: The Center for American Studies, Fudan University) |
09:00-09:30 |
■ Opening Ceremony |
■ Moderator: Prof. Shi Yuan Hua, Director, Centre for Korean Studies, Fudan University, China |
■ Opening Address by Vice President of Fudan University, China |
■ Welcoming Remark by Jin-Hyun Kim, President, The Society for East Sea, the Republic of Korea |
09:30-10:00 |
Coffee/Tea Break and photograph |
10:00-12:00 |
■ Moderator: Ronald Abler (Secretary-General and Treasurer of International Geographical Union, Washington DC, U.S.A.) |
■ Presentation |
■ Problematic of the Appellations of the Names of the Seas and Oceans and Policies of the UNGEGN
Brahim Atoui (Vice Chair, United Nations Group of Experts of Geographical Names; Second Director, Instit National de Cartographie et de Télédétion, Algerie) |
■ How The Marginal Seas in Far East to Get Their Name [Chinese]
Lansheng Zhang (Former President of the Geographical Society of China; Professor, Beijing Normal University, China) |
■ The Naming Principia for Seas in Chinese Traditional Time [Chinese] [Korean]
Songdi Wu (Visiting Scholar, Harvard University; Professor, Fudan University, Shanghai, China) |
■ On the Forming History of Adjacent Seas in the Pacific Ocean
Kwon Yong Kim (Researcher, The Institute of Geography, Academy of Sciences, D.P.R of Korea) |
■ Historical and Ethnographical Aspects of the Sea Toponomy
Alexander Ivanovich Alekseev (Professor, Department of Geography, Moscow State University) |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch Break |
14:00-15:30 |
■ Moderator: John S. Adams (Former President of the Association of American Geographers; Professor of Geography, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, U.S.A.) |
■ Presentation |
■ Korea in Western Cartography
Henny G. L. Savenije (Professor, University of Groningen, Netherlands ; Visiting Scholar, English Department, Dankook University, the Republic of Korea) |
■ A Study on the East Sea (Donghae) in the Werstern Old Map [Korean]
Sang-tae Lee (Office Directer, National Institute of Korean History, the Republic of Korea) |
■ Consideration for the Eastern Sea Name of the Korean Peninsula on the International Charts
Kwon Muk Rim (Professor, The Institute of Geography, Academy of Sciences, D.P.R of Korea) |
■ Recent Evolution on the Use of the Name East Sea in Western Countries, particularly in France [Korean]
Jin-Mieung LI (Professor, Universite Lyon 3, France) |
15:30-16:00 |
Coffee/Tea Break |
16:00-17:30 |
■ Moderator: Xiangming Du (Researcher, Institute of Geographical Names, State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, China) |
■ Presentation |
■ Historical Circumstances of 'Korea Sea' and 'East Sea' and Consideration of International Custom [Korean]
Sagong Jun (Professor of Physical Geography, Korea University of Japan) |
■ Early European World Map: On the Sea Naming of the Far East [Chinese]
Shijian Huang (Professor, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) |
■ The Naming of the Korea Strait on Old Maps
Bo-Kyung Yang (Director of Korean Institute of Geographical Research, Sungshin Women's University, the Republic of Korea) |
18:30-20:00 |
Reception and Dinner |
Oct. 16 (Thursday) |
08:30-10:00 |
Session IV |
■ Moderator : David Lanegran (Former President of the National Council for Geographic Education, Professor of Geography, Macalester College, St. Paul, U.S.A.) |
■ Presentation |
■ Historical- Geographical Study on the Eastern Sea Name of the Korean Penninsula
Kun Sop Choe (Captain, Hydrographic Department, D.P.R. of Korea) |
■ Results of the Vladivostok-2002 International Seminar on the Naming of the Seas and the Current situation with the Geographical Names in Russia
Peter Ya. Baklanov (Director, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Pacific Geographical Institute, Russia)
Sergei S. Ganzei (Deputy Director, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Pacific Geographical Institute, Russia) |
■ On Principles Dealing with Japanese Seas Dispute
Weimin Que (Professor, Department of History, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) |
■ East Sea/ Sea of Japan : A Very Acceptable Name of the Sea
Yearn-Hong Choi (Professor, Seoul City University, the Republic of Korea) |
Coffee/Tea Break |
10:00-12:00 |
Panel Discussion |
■ Moderator : Ki-Suk Lee (Professor, Department of Geography Education, Seoul National University, the Republic of Korea) |
■ Discussants |
■ Ronald Abler (Secretary-General and Treasurer of International Geographical Union, Washington DC, U.S.A.) |
■ John S . Adams (Former President of the Association of American Geographers; Professor of Geography, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, U.S.A.) |
■ Xiangming Du (Researcher, Institute of Geographical Names, State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, China) |
■ David Lanegran (Former President of the National Council for Geographic Education; Professor of Geography, Macalester College, St. Paul, U.S.A.) |
■ Myung-Ho Moon (Editorial Consultant, Radio Free Asia, Washington DC, U.S.A.; Columnist, Daily 'Metro', the Republic of Korea) |
Oct. 17 (Friday) |
Field Work |