Thesis The Society for EAST SEA

    번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회
    10 13th Seminar / Kim Shin - Hydrographic environment and SP-23 (Limits of Oceans and Seas) 관리자 작성일07.11.01 조회231
    9 13th Seminar / Marin Marinov - Korean geographical names in Bulgarian geography: Case study of the East Sea and Korea 관리자 작성일07.11.01 조회244
    8 13th Seminar / Lee Sang-Tae - Even Japan used the name East Sea and Sea of Joseon, not Sea of Japan [Korean] 관리자 작성일07.11.01 조회225
    7 13th Seminar / Norman Z. Cherkis - Toponymy and undersea topographic features 관리자 작성일07.11.01 조회226
    6 13th Seminar / Ibrahim Musa Zoqurti - Dead Sea: Names and its relation with geology and religious believes 관리자 작성일07.11.01 조회222
    5 13th Seminar / Saif Al-Qaydi - Highlights on the seawater's geographical names of the Gulf Co-Operation Council 관리자 작성일07.11.01 조회233
    4 13th Seminar / Pokoly Bela - Naming of seas in the Far East in some recent maps and atlases 관리자 작성일07.11.01 조회237
    3 13th Seminar / Soh Jung-Chul - The most important old maps on Korea which denotes its relationship with China and Japan 관리자 작성일07.11.01 조회238
    2 13th Seminar / Márton Mátyás, Gercsák Gábor - The naming of seas, maritime features and currents (Examples in English, German and Hungarian) 관리자 작성일07.11.01 조회241
    1 13th Seminar / Naftali Kadmon - Nihon Kai and Tong Hae-Sea of Japan and East Sea: Are they exonyms or allonyms, and is there a missing term? 관리자 작성일07.11.01 조회258
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