First Day (May 24) |
09:40~12:30 |
■ Moderator : Ki-Suk Lee (Professor, Seoul National University, Korea) |
■ Presentation |
■ The Geographical Names for the Sea of Japan in Chinese Historical Documents
Song-di Wu (Professor, Institute of Historical Geography, Fudan University, China) |
■ The Geographical Name of 'Tonghae(East Sea)' in the Korean Historical Documents
Sang-Tae Yee (Senior Researcher, National History Compilation Committee, Korea) |
■ The History of Russian Names for Seas, with the Special Reference on the Development of the Korean(Japanese) Sea Presentation on Maps(Seventeenth through Nineteenth Centuries)
Alexei Postnikov (Professor, Institute of the History of Science and Technology, Russia) |
11:10~11:30 |
Coffee/Tea Break |
■ Discussion |
■ Lan-sheng Zhang (President, Geographical Society of China/Professor, Beijing Normal University, China) |
■ John-Hee Lee (Professor, Seoul City University, Korea) |
■ Nikolai Kasimov (Dean, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, Russia) |
12:30~14:30 |
Lunch Break |
14:30~17:20 |
■ Moderator : Chung-il Yun (Professor, Seoul National University, Korea) |
■ Presentation |
■ The Naming of East Sea-Sea of Japan-in Old European Maps
Jong-Chul Soh (Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea) |
■ The Name of Nihon-kai(the Sea of Japan) on Old Maps
Hiroo Aoyama (Professor, Nigata University, Japan) |
■ Our View on the Origin of the Geographical Name of the Sea of Japan(East Sea)
Cai Chen (Professor, Northeast Normal University, China), Hu Sen An (Professor, Yanbian University, China) |
16:00~16:20 |
Coffee/Tea Break |
■ Discussion |
■ Yong-Han Park (Professor, Seoul National University, Korea) |
■ Yukio Hanabusa (Researcher/Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade, Japan Studies Center/Institute of Developing Economies, Japan) |
■ Dambyn Bazargur (Researcher, Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, Mongolia) |
17:30~19:00 |
Reception |
Second Day (May 25) |
09:30~12:20 |
■ Moderator: Sangbok D. Hahn (Director, Oceanography Division, National Fisheries Research and Development, Korea) |
■ Presentation |
■ Korea on Russian Maps of 17th-19th Century
Vladimir Kusov (Professor, Moscow State University, Russia) |
■ The Name of the Sea between Korea and Japan(East Sea) on the Old Maps in Kyujanggak Archives
Bo-Kyung Yang (Researcher, Kyujanggak Archives, Seoul National University, Korea) |
■ Nationalities in the Eastern Part of Northeast China in History and Changes in the Name of the Sea of Japan
Guo Jin Xi (Professor, Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) |
11:00~11:20 |
Coffee/Tea Break |
■ Discussion |
■ Alexei Postnikov (Professor, Institute of the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) |
■ Hiroo Aoyama (Professor, Niigata University, Japan) |
■ Cai Chen (Professor, Northeast Normal University, China) |