350 |
21st Seminar / RYU Yeon-Taek - International hydrographic organization and the East Sea/Sea of Japan issue
관리자 |
작성일15.08.24 |
조회754 |
349 |
21st Seminar / KIM Shin - Discussion of Session IV
관리자 |
작성일15.08.24 |
조회760 |
348 |
21st Seminar / CHI Sang-Hyun - Discussion of Session IV
관리자 |
작성일15.08.24 |
조회779 |
347 |
21st Seminar / Tjeerd TICHELAAR - The pre-nationalist background of European sea naming: A historical survey
관리자 |
작성일15.08.24 |
조회788 |
346 |
21st Seminar / Ojārs BUŠS - The sea, especially the Baltic Sea, from the point of view of Latvians and Latvian language
관리자 |
작성일15.08.24 |
조회765 |
345 |
21st Seminar / Joseph P. STOLTMAN - The Baltic region: Geopolitics, peace, and traditions of toponymy
관리자 |
작성일15.08.24 |
조회754 |
344 |
21st Seminar / Terhi AINIALA - Discussion of Session III
관리자 |
작성일15.08.24 |
조회747 |
343 |
21st Seminar / POKOLY Béla - Exonyms of Vietnam's Vinh Bac Bo (Gulf of Tonkin)
관리자 |
작성일15.08.24 |
조회763 |
342 |
21st Seminar / Paul WOODMAN - Maritime naming practice for shared and divided features: Common perceptions and harmonious coexistence
관리자 |
작성일15.08.24 |
조회766 |
341 |
21st Seminar / Peder GAMMELTOFT - Why is the North Sea west of us? On the naming of seas – perceived naming or chance survivals?
관리자 |
작성일15.08.24 |
조회773 |